Food & Beverage

Support Consistent And High-Quality Food Preparation.

Complying with Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) and other food safety regulations is becoming more complex, as government agencies and major retailers implement increasingly stringent rules and require more detailed information. Maintaining food safety compliance is made even more complicated by the increased globalization of food supply chain sourcing and distribution, and rules and requirements that vary from country to country. As a result, food safety, accurate labeling, and traceability are more important now than ever before. Taking steps to ensure the safety of food products from raw materials to consumers' tables must be a top priority for food and beverage manufacturers.

Bringing products to market to meet the growing demands of customers is an increasingly complex process -- and it's not just enough to meet demands. For food and beverage companies, it means having the plans and processes in place to support consistent, high-quality food preparation and the flexibility to react quickly and decisively in the event of a recall.

How Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage Can Help:

  • Create accurate labels;
  • Meet governmental regulations;
  • Optimize formulations;
  • Be prepared for recalls.

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